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Conditions d'utilisation et confidentialité & Politique de confidentialité

Personal Data Protection Policy

Real Estate One pays special attention to the protection of the visitors’ and users’ privacy and personal data.

Please note that personal data means, under the relevant legislation (General Data Protection Regulation, 2016/679/EU) only information that relates to an identified or – based on certain characteristics – identifiable natural person (data subject). Information relating to legal persons and groups of persons or statistical information which do not enable reduction to an identified or identifiable natural person do not fall within this category and are exempted from the scope of the relevant legislation.

This personal data protection policy is fully consistent with the European Union Regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (EU/2016/679) and Greek law and is aimed to provide information about the information collected during your visit at the website of Real Estate One.

Real Estate One may modify this policy at any time, without previous notice, by announcing any such modification on its website. By navigating in and using the Real Estate One website, visitors/users acknowledge that they have read, understood and unconditionally accepted the Personal Data Protection Policy.

Data Controller

The personal data controller for the purpose of the operation of this website is as follows:

Real Estate One
Real Estate Agency
Theodoros Tarlagias
99 P.Tsaldari & Thivon, Peristeri, Athens

Personal Data Collected by Real Estate One

During your visit to our website, you are not obliged to provide personal information. However, during your visit to the Website it is possible that information like you IP address of your computer are collected and stored.

Modification to this Personal Data Protection Policy

This personal data protection policy may change whenever necessary, always in compliance with national and Union law. For that reason, you are kindly requested to visit this page regularly in order to be informed. By navigating on and using the Real Estate One website, visitors/users acknowledge that they have read, understood and unconditionally accepted the Personal Data Protection Policy.


If you have any questions relating to this personal data protection policy or if you believe that there is any vagueness or incompatibility in our personal data protection policy, you may communicate such instance to the Data Protection Officer (DPO) of Real Estate One by sending an e-mail at info@realestateone.gr.